Movie Pick: Viva Knievel!

Who doesn't love a good motorcycle movie. Better yet who doesn't love a good motorcycle movie involving drugs and Evel Knievel. I know I sure do. One of the greatest daredevils in history, Evel Knievel puts on quite a performance. Nothing short of Oscar worthy. For those unfamiliar with Viva Knievel I highly recommend you go out and grab a copy of this before it to late. Quick rundown on the movie.
The legendary stuntman travels to Mexico to prepare for one of his greatest stunts yet, he takes time out of his schedule to meet his fans, help out lonely orphans, and try to get his alcoholic mechanic to reconcile with his son. While all of this is going on, Evel's main rival is plotting to have Evel killed and then get rich by using the Team Evel 18-wheeler to smuggle cocaine into America.

Intense huh? Not only does it have a great plot, but it has a great cast of characters as well. Besides the star of the show Evel Knievel it stars some of Hollywood's finest: Leslie Nielsen, Laura Hutton, Red Buttons and Gene Kelly. Damn this movie must have cost a fortune to make. I'm sure Evel is still reeping rewards from this flick. Anyway if you are looking for a high quality action movie. Viva Knievel is it.

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