Movie Pick: Boondock Saints

BaconSoup's latest movie recommendation is Boondock Saints. I believe it stars Willem Daofe. Well I haven't actually watched the movie, but my cousin swears it is the greatest movie ever made. You see one night when my brother was visiting from out of state we stopped by my cousins for something. Anyway, just before we left, he rushed up stairs and grabbed his copy of Boondock Saints. He then handed it to my brother and told him/us to watch it because it was a great movie and everbody he has lent it to loved it. Long story short, we didn't watch it and even though I can not tell you how great it is one way or another. I will not keep a treasure like Boondock Saints locked away in DVD purgatory.

Based on my cousins viewing
Watch Boondock Saints today (for my cousins sake)
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