Billy Mays: The Ding King

I gotta say I love Billy Mays. This guy could promote a pile of shit and I'd buy it. The hell with Jan Muller, Mike Levey from Amazing Discoveries, Tony Little, and Ron Popeil. Billy Mays is the King of Infomercials. Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed other products such as Goo Gone, Didi Seven, The Super Sealer, The Steam Shark, Va-poo-rize, Pocket Flan and others. But just watching Billy Mays promote Oxi-Clean, Orange Glow and The Ding King, really does something for me. Considering after I watch Billy promote the Ding King, I just want to go out and beat the crap out of vehicles just so I can fix the dents. Not to mention the fact I allow my dog to crap all over the floor just so I can break out the Oxi-Clean. I'm comfortable with my sexuality to admit that I love Billy Mays and there is nothing wrong with that.
Ding King Repair Kit
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