Also a Client

What the hell ever happened to Sy Sperling? That guy used to be on my TV every damn day talking about his Hair Club for Men. I want to know, is he still the President? Better yet is he still a client? Could it be that Avacor has created a monopoly in the hair growth market, and Sy can no longer compete. I want answers damnit.
I'm not going to go bald anytime soon, but I still want reassurance that if I ever do, Sy will still be there for me. Guess I'll have to check out to find the answers I'm looking for. I'll be back in a minute............
Okay I'm back, and I'm pissed. I found out that Sy sold his Hair Club for Men company to some corporation for $210,000,000, and now he is selling CD's online titled 'How to Succeed in Business...Beyond Your Wildest Dreams.' So let me get this straight Sy. You sold your company for $210 million and now you want $297 dollars from me so I can buy your CD. What the fuck. I want my damn Hair Club for Men back not some shitty ass CD. Fuck you Sy, you trader. I hope you go bald and the tiny classified ad guy kicks your ass.
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