How To: Toss a Midget

From time to time we here at BaconSoup receive emails from friends, family and strangers asking us how to do this or how to do that. Recently a friend of ours asked how would he toss a midget? Great question and here was our answer.
1. Find a midget (if you have a midget friend skip to step 3)
2. Entice above midget with either candy or midget porn.
3. Acquire another aquaintance for assistance (it can be done solo, but even though they are small they still can be quite portly)
4. Decide which of you will take the arms and which will take the legs.
5. Swing back and forth (number of swings is up to you)
6. Toss
Next week: How to guarantee your place in hell (hint: write a step-by-step process that involves tossing midgets)
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